Adding discount to all products

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How to add a discount that applies to all products.


A campaign item with a negative price is added to any order purchased by the customer. The campaign plugin calculates the price of the item when the order is created.


  1. A customer buys something for $100.
  2. A campaign exists that should discount 50% of the order, regardless of the purchased product.
  3. A campaign item is added to the order with a price of -$50.
  4. The total price of the order is $50.

Adding a discounted product

  1. Add a campaign.
  2. Select Add discounted products.
  3. Search for the campaign item. It is named CMP-ITEM.
  4. Add the campaign item

    Image 1: Add the campaign item.

  5. Select Add.
  6. Select Edit for the added campaign item. You can either set the discount here or on the campaign.
  7. Fill in the Name on orders/invoices field. The value of this field will be displayed on the customers order and invoice.
  8. Edit the campaign item

    Image 2: Edit the campaign item.

Ordering a discounted product

This image displays an order where the campaign has been applied.
A campaign item order

Image 3: A campaign item order.

Invoice with discounted product

This image displays an invoice where the campaign has been applied.
A campaign item invoice

Image 4: A campaign item invoice.

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